Tuesday, November 22, 2005

An Afternoon with Gene De Filippo

Well "Sports Therapy" is done.. and it's going to kill! I think it's going to be played at bball games for all eternity.

I arrived at the office at around 3 o clock to a frantic Jerry York saying with a giant grin on his face "I got practice in 25 minutes, what exactly are we doing here?" The other Coaches, Ainslee and Andrea were waiting patiently on the couch, probably having the slightest of an idea of what I was planning on doing. So I explained the premise, and filmed them first. Mr. York took one take on both shots. Specifically, when he finished saying "He's such a good listener", he grabbed his coat and BOLTED out the door. It was an honor meeting such a legend here at BC.

Meanwhile, Baldwin waited patiently during the whole thing, and eventually moved into the office with Gene who was really accomodating and friendly. Cara Feinberg from BC Magazine eventually showed up and sat in on the shoot. I laid out the whole thing for Gene, reading him the whole script that Woody wrote. I honestly had no idea what he was thinking... he probably thought I was the one that should be on the shrink's bed. But he agreed to do it.

Let's play Q & A
Q: How long did the whole thing take?
A: About 40 minutes. We broke things up into pieces to make it easier

Q: G-Unit? Wow that sure is funny!"
A: Originally Woody and I thought he would have just a small idea of what that's about. The minute I said the words "G-Unit" he busts out "G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-unit!!!" like the eloquent 50 cent himself. Apparently all of the athletes call "Coach Flip" by that nomenclature.

Q: Do you think I'm a kook? Wow that sure is funny!"
A: Originally, it was written as, "Can I get a hug?" and Baldwin was going to shake his head no. But Gene insisted we change it to a much funnier "Do you think I'm a kook?"

Q: Is that a REAL picture of him and Coach Skinner?
A: Yes it is. And I had to make sure it was in this commercial.

Q: Was he frustrated or frazzled at all?
A: He was very very calm and patient the whole time. What a blessing

Q: I wanna hear more about Baldwin, golly!
A: Well, we taped glasses to his face.... because they wouldn't fit otherwise. Baldwin was a great sport the whole time, too.

So those are some fun facts... I even got a cool fleece out of it. So enjoy Gene and the coaches. They sure are talented.

Enjoy the day, The BC wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Impassioned Plea

Here at The BC, I'm always trying to figure out new ways to get people interested in 'The BC.' What has come to my notice is that we rank really really really low on Google for just about any search. I hope to use this post as an impassioned plea that if you have a blog or website of your own, that you put a link to the-bc.com on it to both let other people know what the greatest thing on the web is, as well as make sure that search engines know to give us more respect.

On another note, next week is our Thanksgiving break, and I'll be away from an internet connection for most of next week, so if any updates happen, it'll be on next Tuesday instead of Wednesday. Hope everyone is enjoying their Humpday Fixes. I love putting them up.

Keep up the buzz about The BC. Episode 3 is just around the corner!
Adam Shipley

Sunday, November 13, 2005

The BC on the Jumbo Tron

At approximately 5 minutes left of halftime at Boston College versus NC State the marching band retreated to the sidelines... Then out of no where you see "The BC" for a full 5 seconds... "St. Ignatius Started the Fire" was played in front of over 40,000 people last night.

So ridiculous... I threw the idea at Peter Olivieri (the jumbo tron guy) and he sent the commercial to Jaime Diloreto. Apparently, it was passed on to DeFillipo and all of them agreed that it was something worth putting on the tron during halftime. Well, I had to change a few things in of course... including kegstands, trouble in the catholic church, and instead of DL Hughley, I think we're going to permanently change it to Father Neenan cuz he's the man.

So the video started with a quote from me in The Chronicle about building community, and then bam, Woody, in true masculine form said "Yay Smallville, Oh I could just die!" When everything started rolling we assumed a lot of people would just be too drunk to really know whats going on... and then...

"1863. A bunch of ignatians made a college invasion"

People started going nuts when they saw FD. By the second chorus, scanning the crowds around, people were singing and dancing to the song. Which truly was one of the coolest things I think I have ever seen. Alumni were probably like "A SINGING PRIEST! COMIC GENIUS!" I was unfazed... it was Father Don in solid form. HE COULDN'T MAKE IT TO THE GAME.. he was doing a wedding in Rochester... But he got like 5 phone calls after the game. Priceless.

But we think we could have started a pretty cool tradition with future events. Boston College is big with ignatians and lighting stuff aflame. So the song ends up being a good match after all... the MARCHING BAND even learned how to play it during plays in the second half.

I feel grateful for athletics to give us that opportunity to make a lot of people laugh last night at the football game... it sucks because our website was cut out at the end, but people know a little bit more about us, and we hope to be on the jumbo tron again. We've had a very very significant increase in number of hits on this page and we hope the alumni continue to follow us.

PS: I'm really sorry to all of those that have threatened to take my life for having that song stuck in their heads. Blame it on Billy Joel, seriously.

Friday, November 11, 2005

CBS at The BC

Wow... what a day.

This day has been an adventure, much like Harold and Kumar going to White Castle... So we get a call from Carrie, the producer for CBS, saying they arrived to campus. Joie Chen and a couple camera guys from New York and Boston were there, too. There we were in the quad with freezing cold temperatures filming a scene involving us popping Father Don's Fleece collar, and of course, him saying "holler at your boy"

Then they grilled FD with questions, interviewed Jess, and then moved to our room... Mike and I were up to 4am cleaning the room last night.. I can eat dinner off of the floor now. Seriously, i just want to break dance on it. They had so much equipment in here, but I think the interviews did well.

today was a blast overall, and there's a lot more to be excited about... Hafner's been receiving tons of good words on his commercial. I think it was his beautifully rich voice in singing "If I could turn back time"

Interesting Fun Facts:
-I asked the Paul camera guy what his craziest reporting location experience was.. he replied with "Somalia... when I was shot at"
-the camera cost 50,000 dollars and the tripod cost 15,000. I was jealous.
-We conveniently placed the infamous Michael Bolton poster in the backdrop of Woody's interview.
-My grades aren't doing too well... but I found out D is passing, so... that's good news I guess
-The camera crew went into farnan's room to film 16 dudes watching the OC and drinking beer... We thought last minute to put a "www.the-bc.com" poster in the backdrop.

So that's that.... stay tuned baby

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Wednesday Excitement

I love Wednesdays. It means a new commercial and a new poll. I love our new commercial, how informative yet irreverent. I hope you've already checked it out. Also, I've installed weekly polls. Last week the poll was over which commercial was the best yet, and 'St Ignatius Started the Fire' won handily. Current poll: who's your favorite character on 'The BC'. You decide!

Other than that, it's always fun to get reactions from people, so leave a comment on this blog about what you think of the commercials... what you like, what they're missing. We love feedback!

Keep checking back here for more updates about 'The BC' with another episode in the works and new commercials every week, this truly is the new hot spot!
Adam Shipley

Friday, November 04, 2005

Newbury Madness

Well, with our pledge to bring filming to new and exciting levels, we decided to shoot a scene on Newbury Street. So Hanlon, Cherkezian, Woody, Laura and myself ventured downtown. It ended up being a good scene... well, we think. We couldn't find a place to park.. Anwar's car (The guy who tells the story of a puppy named sparky in episode 2) almost got towed... And yeah, thats all the excitement at Newbury.

All of our mouths dropped when they advertised the "The BC" segment on Fox25 during "The OC"... the segment itself was amazing, three minutes in length, and will eventually get on the website.
We're sending clip reels to Disney... weird saying that aloud. "disney". its fun, very bisyllabic.
With good buddy Brendan Sage, we're working on making MP3's of "St. Ignatius started the fire" for convenient Ipod Usage
I saw Sean Marshall today and I yelled, "I hate puns"
Mike and I hate when before people fight, they hit their fist into their hands really fast

PS sorry for the random picture of us. Sexiness of this quantity cannot be ignored.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Everything on Fire... finally lyrics.

Ok ok ok enough already. Hold the phone. I'm finally going to put the lyrics up for "St. Ignatius Started the Fire". Guestbook guru Alex (A&S '97)...i seriously think his last name is (A&S '97)...actually wrote out ALL lyrics to the song. I was very impressed... a few mistakes here and there, but overall 99% accuracy! Amazing! I am going to have to change some lyrics if we want this on the jumbo tron... (The BU sucks line...), but other than that, enjoy it.

Quick updates: The "The BC" DVD looks INCREDIBLE! As if Midas himself touched it to gold. the METRO is coming on campus to interview us on Monday... (that's how you know you're big, baby!) And CBS Evening News next thursday. Exciting stuff, you'll here more about it later.
- NELITA, big ups, you rock our world. We'll be visiting you guys soon dont worry


fun fact of the day: I wrote this song two years ago.... when it was 2003. Hey, I improvised, what do you want from me?!

Doug Flutie, orange bowl, Father Leahy, maroon and gold
Campus Ministry, Cleveland circle, walk around the quad
Craig Smith, Darcel Clark, Kiwanuka, MiddleMarch
Robsham Theater, Corcoran Commons, fence around the Mods

Chris O'Donnell, Gasson Hall, Boston College basketball
Tim Russert, Online Polls, banners in the dust bowl
Hasselback, blue lights, cheese steaks at late night
Sake Bombing, abercrombie, Boston is extremely cold

A bunch of ignatians, made a collegiate invasion
Two years after 2003
our claim to fame, is setting the world aflame

Conte Forum, Now You Know, Superfans, DeFilippo
DL Hughley, Father Himes, I hate my registration time.
Doug Flutie Likes Girls, Service trips around the world,
Herald, Boston Globe, now we got The New York Times.
Josh Ott, Beanpot, can we have more parking lots?
WebCT and AIM, Jesuits are back again.
Irish Room, job Search, No more coffee at the perch,
Green D Line, Asinine, Trouble in the Catholic Church


UCONN, gettin' snubbed, why is men's lacrosse a club
pricey food, costly books, I got poked on facebook
OL's and Woods School, Baldwin the eagle ain't no fool
campus schoolAppalachia Trips, we got two Rhodes scholarships!

UPS, FedEX, fight for treadmills at the plex
Chronicle, campus crawl, shop at the chestnut hill mall
Starbucks, Supercuts, city of Newton going nuts
yawkey center, holidays, run on Marathon Monday


Bluestone Bistro, Domino's, roggies, pinos,
Who's on first, poetry slams, copperfields and final Exams
Beans, Creams, and Dreams, intramural sports teams
Parent's weekends, kegstands, girls on the grass, getting tan,
Copley, Back Bay, graduation's in May
Big East, blown away, What else do I have to say?


Newton Bus, ride or die, 2 hour line at hillside
St. Mary's, Saint Joe's, college road has its highs and lows
Sexual chocolate, dance teams, white mountain ice cream
North End, theater shows, 40g's a year to go
Homecoming, Boat Cruise, our soccer can never lose
Acoustics and the Heightsmen, core curriculum has no end
New York Yankees, Red Sox Pride, housing lottery suicide
40 acres, new land, victory in South Bend

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Well, the fire is started

After spending the last two weeks on "St. Ignatius Started the Fire", it's now available for your viewing pleasure. That was more time-taking then a leper flipping through the yellow pages for a dermatologist. (my apologies to all the fans who are lepers)

Hopefully this can be put on a megatron, a devlin admissions presentation, or some dusty shelf in Burns Library... It was a blast making it, and i hope people can see just how awesome this school is.

Fun facts about the filming!
-Father Don memorized that chorus in only 2 minutes.
-Cherkezian recruited all those extras in the final scene in a matter of minutes... half of them were high schoolers with their parents
-the guy with the pumpkin is Rick Rossi with campus ministry
-Scott McGoohan makes another high-profile cameo as the dancer with tourettes
-Tabitha Rosien, Justin Walker, Reena Parikh, Emily J., and others were the happy go lucky high fivers
-A lot of people were staring at father don screaming the chorus in the one in front of Gasson Hall
-Look for the hidden movie next to the DVD player.... ONG BAK, quite possibly the best action movie ive ever seen
-The quote "Doers of the word; not hearers only" is what Father Don writes at the end of every email
-We tried to get FD to wear bling for the video, but he intelligently refused
