Newbury Madness
Well, with our pledge to bring filming to new and exciting levels, we decided to shoot a scene on Newbury Street. So Hanlon, Cherkezian, Woody, Laura and myself ventured downtown. It ended up being a good scene... well, we think. We couldn't find a place to park.. Anwar's car (The guy who tells the story of a puppy named sparky in episode 2) almost got towed... And yeah, thats all the excitement at Newbury.
All of our mouths dropped when they advertised the "The BC" segment on Fox25 during "The OC"... the segment itself was amazing, three minutes in length, and will eventually get on the website.
We're sending clip reels to Disney... weird saying that aloud. "disney". its fun, very bisyllabic.
With good buddy Brendan Sage, we're working on making MP3's of "St. Ignatius started the fire" for convenient Ipod Usage
I saw Sean Marshall today and I yelled, "I hate puns"
Mike and I hate when before people fight, they hit their fist into their hands really fast
PS sorry for the random picture of us. Sexiness of this quantity cannot be ignored.
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